Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Spontaneous Healing of Belief - by Gregg Braden

1.   Experiments show that the focus of our attention changes reality itself and suggests that we live in an interactive universe.

2.       We live our lives based upon what we believe about our world, ourselves, our capabilities and our limits.

3.       Science is a language, one of many languages that describe us, our universe and our bodies and how things work.

4.       If the particles that were made of can be in instantaneous communication with one another, they can be in two places at once and even change the past through choices made in the present, then we can as well.

5.       Our beliefs have the power to change the flow of events in the universe literally to interrupt and redirect time, matter and space and the events that occur within that time and space.

6.       Just as we can run a simulated program that looks and feels real to us studies suggest that the universe itself may be the output of a huge and ancient computer program that began long ago. If so, then to know the programs code is to know the rules of reality itself.

7.       When we think of the universe as a computer program, atoms represent bits of information just the way familiar computer information works. They're either on as physical matter or off as invisible waves.

8.       Nature uses a few simple, self-similar and repeating patterns, fractals to build energy into the familiar patterns of everything from atoms and elements to molecules, rocks, trees, and us.

9.       If the universe is made of repeating patterns, then to understand something on a small scale provides a powerful window into similar forms on a grand scale.

10.   Belief is the program that creates patterns in reality.

11.   What we believe to be true in life may be more powerful than what others accept as truth.

12.   We must accept the role of belief to tap its power in our lives.

13.   Belief is defined as the certainty that comes from accepting what we think is true in our minds coupled what we feel is true in our hearts.

14.   Belief is expressed in our heart where our experiences are translated into the electrical and magnetic waves that interact with the physical world.

15.   Beliefs and the feelings we have about our beliefs are the language that speak to the quatum stuff that makes our reality.

16.   The subconscious mind is larger and faster than the conscious mind and can account for as much as 90% of our activity each day.

17.   Many of our most deeply held beliefs are subconscious and begin when our brain state allows to absorb the ideas of others before the age of seven.

18.   In our greatest challenges of life we often find that our deeply hidden beliefs are exposed and available for healing.

19.   Our beliefs about unresolved hurt can create physical effects with the power to cause damage or even kill us.

20.   When our soul hurts our pain is transmitted into our bodies as the spiritual quality of the life force that we feed into each cell.

21.   The same principles that allow us to hurt ourselves into death also work in reverse allowing us to heal ourselves into life.

22.   Our belief in one force for everything that happens in the world or two opposite and opposing forces; good and evil, plays out in our experience of life, health, relationships and abundance.

23.   To heal the ancient battles about darkness and light, we may find that it's less about defeating one or the other than about choosing our relationship to both.

24.   A miracle that's possible for anyone is possible for everyone.

25.   In a participatory reality we are creating our experience as well as experiencing what we've already created.

26.   In 1998, scientists confirmed that photons are influenced just by being watched and discovered that the greater the watching, the greater the watchers influence on how the particles behave.

27.   The prime rule of reality, we must become in our lives what we choose to experience in our world.

28.   We tend to experience in life what we identify with in our beliefs.

29.   For different reasons that reflect the differences in the way we learn both logic and miracles give us a way into the deepest recesses of our beliefs.

30.   To change our beliefs through the logic of our minds, we must convince ourselves of a new possibility through unarguable facts that lead to an inescapable conclusion.

31.   The power of a miracle, is that we don't have to understand how it works, we must however; be willing to accept what the miracle brings to our lives.

You are the architect of your reality.

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